Houkai Impact 3rd Wiki

If you want to play Houkai 3rd on emulator then you found a right place.

Android Emulator

If you want to play Houkai 3rd at maxed settings 60 fps then playing on emulator should be a better choice than playing on mobile devices. Houkai 3rd running at 8K resolution downscaled to 2K

System Requirements

CPU: 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with 2 CPU cores or more (4 cores recommended)

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7730 / Nvidia Geforce GT 740 or higher (Not support for Intel GPU as they are too buggy)


Memory: having at least 4GB free space (both emulator + game)

Emulator: We highly recommend Mumu 1.16.3 as they have best performance >>Download here<<


Change Android language to English

Open the Setting app


Find the Language & Input button


Press Language button at the top


Then change Language to English

Keyboard pre-configured profile

This profile is optimized for combat with 16:9 ratio, widely used in many fighting games.

Download profile here:Google Drive

After downloaded the profile, put it to [Your installed location]\Nemu\EmulatorShell\keymap_config\

Key configs

WASD: moving character

J: Normal attack

K: Evade / Block

L: Ulti / Trigger button

I: Weapon skill

U: Stage skill

1: Switch top character / activate team skill

2: Switch bottom character / Activate team QTE

`: Pause
